Amnesia Fortnight 2014

Amnesia Fortnight 2014

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5.96€ 10.74€

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Amnesia Fortnight is an intensive two-week game development event at Double Fine Productions, where team members pitch and lead projects from initial idea to prototype. This documentary series captures the highs and lows of the event, showcasing project leads striving to transform their concepts into playable prototypes, with successes and setbacks along the way.


The Amnesia Fortnight package features a documentary series by renowned industry filmmakers 2 Player Productions, alongside playable game prototypes developed during the intense two-week jam. The documentary offers an inside look at the chaotic creativity of the event, shedding light on both the gaming industry and its talented creators. The prototypes provide unique, unconventional gaming experiences, making the bundle a must-have for gaming enthusiasts eager to delve into the creative process.

Original Release Date: August 2, 2017